The Zoo
Sværtegade 6, 1118 Copenhagen K
Minimumsalder på baren er 23 år
Minimum age at the bar is 23 years

To cocktails - 100 kr. (+billetgebyr 11 kr.)

Two cocktails - 100 kr. (+ticket fee 11 kr.)

Første Cocktail - Festival CocktailFirst Cocktail - Festival Cocktail
Specialdesignet 'gin & tonic'
med Copenhagen Distillery Orange Gin
og den helt nye Sanpellegrino Tonica Citrus

Anden Cocktail - Barens egen signaturcocktailSecond Cocktail - The bars own signatur cocktail
Strawberry Feels

The Zoo is conveniently positioned in the centre of Copenhagen.

The atmosphere gives you a New York feeling with a mix of classy cocktail bar and late nightclub vibe.
The Zoo is conveniently positioned in the centre of Copenhagen.

The atmosphere gives you a New York feeling with a mix of classy cocktail bar and late nightclub vibe.